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When it comes to investments I typically go back to the Guru of investments Warren Buffet and his philosophy "Buy fear Sell greed...

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Real DEBATE Has Nothing to do with Elections!

The Great Debate
The most important period of a real estate deal is decision time...and knowing if you found the HOME!

Specializing in the Doctor Phillips real estate market the past 16 years it's not uncommon buyers miss out on the perfect home thinking there are many more right around the corner. 

I came to realize many buyers are hunters, starting out with a wide range of criteria and honing it over time into their dream home. But what happens many times is the hunt starts to take priority over finding the perfect home.  That excitement of finding the "Diamond in the rough" fuels the home search fire resulting in missed opportunities.

5 signs you found your Diamond

1.  Location - So important we say it three times, but I'll spare you. Keep in mind location will never change so make sure you have this one down.

2.  Is it affordable - If you are nervous about the payments move on!

3.  Your basic needs are met - Maybe you don't have the theater room but will you be comfortable now and in 3 years.

4.  It stands alone - From all the other homes you looked at this home seems special.

5.  You're in love - When you walk through the home it feels like a million butterflies are having a party in your stomach.  Ok, maybe a little exaggeration but you get the idea.

Start your home search today and prepare yourself for the Debate of a lifetime!

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